DAPSC Available Roles

Hiring Oct 2024

Logistics Coordinator

Logistics coordinators make it happen. They handle everything from venue reservations, to food & catering, to event check-in, and icebreaker activities. Engage with students, other clubs, and innovate ways to make it as easy as possible for students to grow their networking skills and make connections for a meaningful career.

  • Imagining formats for new club initiatives to expand relationships within Vancouver’s accounting industry.

  • Planing event agendas, identify key risks at each stage, and create solutions for engaging and welcoming experiences.

  • Coordinating with venues, restaurants, and other third parties to acquire food, supplies, gifts, and other event resources.

  • Mentoring incoming teammates.

Gain key skills in teamwork, risk identification, problem solving, and project management!

If this role interests you, feel free to contact Jordan Ywork, Ashu Talwar, Ejiroghene Oghenovo or Jatin Garg.

Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator

Our most active communication link with students and sponsors! Stakeholder engagement coordinators make it effortless for even the busiest students and firm reps to join our events and reach their goals! The role may include:

  • Inviting students and and firm reps to attend events through clear value propositions.

  • Creating automations for ticket sales, invitations, email confirmations, and other repetitive processes.

  • Engaging 1-on-1 with key student clubs across Vancouver to invite their members, share ideas, and build reciprocal relationships with future colleagues.

  • Creating promotional materials tailored to stakeholder goals.

  • Overseeing social media, website, and RSVP platforms.

  • Mentoring incoming teammates.

Some familiarity with Canva is an asset for this role, but is not a requirement. This role provides excellent opportunities to gain sought-after CPA skills in teamwork, understanding stakeholder needs, and effective communication.

Points of Contact: Tarneet Kaur, Satvik Gupta, Simon Huang, Sam Firoozyani or Amin Seghatoleslami

Sponsorship Officer

Sponsorship officers ensure DAPSC has resources for the next year by confirming funding from new and existing partner firms. Gain opportunities to communicate directly with head recruiters and build strong relationships! Role may include:

  • Clarifying sponsorship packages to meet sponsor goals.

  • Maintaining database of sponsor contacts for efficient management and future reference.

  • Proactively seeking future sponsors through research, networking, and outreach efforts.

This role is most active during August at renewal time. During the rest of the year, sponsorship officers act as members of one of our other teams (stakeholder engagement or logistics).

If you have questions, please reach out to
Tejinder Singh Nagra or Ekawali Singh

We look forward to receiving your application!

Deadline: Tuesday Oct 8, 11:59pm

Other Roles

Not presently hiring, but available in future cycles

President / Co-President

If you are motivated to expand student opportunities and see your team succeed, this could be the role for you!

Club executives guide strategy and seeks input from the team and sponsors. They ensure team members have resources and support to perform at their best - this might include planning ahead, one-on-one meetings, team work sessions, mediating disagreements and more! Leverage your leadership style! As an executive, you’ll get to know everyone on the team as friends and build strong relationships within the accounting industry.

These roles empower you to improve the club to benefit students most and activate the team towards these goals!

Key skills in teamwork, project management, communication, prioritization, and problem solving.

If these roles interest you, feel welcome to contact Satvik Gupta or Ekawali Singh